Acid Casualty
Acid Casualty tells the true story of pop culture figure and Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett.
The story begins when Syd rents a room in a house occupied by a group heavily involved with psychedelic culture. When the housemates meet Syd, they begin to lace his tea with LSD in hopes that this will lead to him creating better art. Eventually, this constant use of psychedelics leads to a psychotic break in Syd.
Syd is also the founding member of a newly successful band Pink Floyd. He starts as a bright, charismatic figure and writes all the songs and lyrics for the band. As he begins to break down, the band members are caught between their friend and their futures. Their own careers are dependent on a stability that he no longer possesses. They are eventually forced to kick him out of the band.
The story of Syd Barrett is a staple of the mythos of rock and roll but it is also a universally recognizable tragedy. This true story tells a powerful tale of a man, his illness, his failing relationships, and his downfall at the hands of the cultural movement he helped create.